Thursday, December 4, 2008

Will your treasure last forever?

I want to thank all the leaders that helped at Jr. High ministry last night, and welcome the newest leader, Mr. Mark. You are all an inspiration to the perserverance and faithfulness of a servant of God.
I was looking at the clock last night at 6:20pm and became worried that the snow would stop everyone from coming to youth group. But God continually proves to be faithful despite the odds. The jr. highers went above and beyond with their insight into the treasures in heaven that await us.
A not so funny thing happened to me this morning before I went to class. I had been working on paper for my British Empire history class for weeks. When I was finally ready to print and be done with it, I receive an error and the whole paper was lost. For about twenty minutes I sat stunned and frantic because the paper was due in less than an hour. Thankfully God has blessed me with a wife that keeps me in check. She reminded that God continually shows grace and the teacher may show grace to me as well. Grace-a gift that I do not deserve.
Long story short, I was given that grace and was able to rewrite the paper.
But I learned two thinsg from this: 1.)We as Christians will have tough times, but God has a plan and reason for EVERYTHING He does; and 2.) Satan will do whatever he can to take the joy out of life.
Serving Christ,

1 comment:

Jodi said...

yay for wonderful wives!!!!