Monday, January 12, 2009

Who's Going to Tell Them?

Last night as I listened to Graham bring the lesson to the Senior High Youth (26 of them in total!), I was struck by an interesting thought. Graham was talking about some of the things that keep us from sharing our faith with others: we don't want to look like hypocrites, we're worried about being rejected, we're worried about not having the right answers, etc, etc, etc...

I then thought to myself, "I wonder how many believers in our youth group (and in the world for that matter) have ever just audibly heard God say to them, 'Hey, salvation lies in believing in my Son Jesus.'" The Holy Spirit speaks to us in mighty ways to convict us of God's truth, but I'm willing to wager (and I'm not a betting man) that just about 100% of the believers that have ever walked this earth, were told about the good news of Jesus Christ through someone else.

"God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth so we could listen twice as much." That's absolutely fantastic, until someone asks you why you are filled with so much joy all the's then time to stop listening and use that mouth God gave you to glorify Him and share the good news!

If you don't tell them, who's going to?

For Him,


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