Saturday, October 17, 2009

Too Busy Not to Pray?

I finished reading "Too Busy Not to Pray" by Bill Hybels last week. It's the second time I've read it, but it's the first time I really started trying to implement some of his suggestions into my quiet time. I've really enjoyed the A.C.T.S acronym he suggests. I don't believe this is a new idea, but I like routines and I like what it stands for:

A: Adoration - When we begin praying, we have to remember who we are praying to. We're praying to the Creator of the UNIVERSE who has the POWER to do anything He wants to. Begin your prayers by praising God for who He is.

C: Confession - God wants us to be holy and I have often neglected this part in my prayer life. What I've noticed is it has caused me to examine my life the previous day(s). I do NOT want anything to come between my relationship with Jesus and it's comforting to know He is quick to forgive me.

T: Thanksgiving - Tell God what you're thankful for. Trust me, you can think of quite a bit of things to thank Him for, even in the midst of a trying time. Maybe you could thank Him for the struggle you are going through since you KNOW it will only make you stronger once you're through it.

S: My favorite part! I have a Father in Heaven who desperately wants to bless me! I'm convinced I used to pray like a wimp. I would pray in general terms and never get really specific, because...well, I didn't think it was appropriate. But it is! God knows what we need, but when I look at Scripture it seems like God's power works through prayer. Jesus allowed Peter to walk on water. He could have let all the disciples in the boat walk on water, but only Peter asked. Even James was led to write, "You do not have, because you do not ask (James 4:2)."

There's so much that could be said about this last part, but suffice it to say you can ask your Father in Heaven for just about anything - anything. I understand we have to ask with right motives and that another huge part of prayer is to help us come into accordance with God's will, but don't put God in a box. He's too big to be contained there.

My prayer for you is that God would move in such a way in your prayer life that you wouldn't be able to get away from the thought of prayer for the next week! I pray that just about everything you see or read about is on prayer and that God so thoroughly convinces you to speak to Him daily and often that you begin a life-long habit of dynamic prayer with your Creator.

Would witnessing prayers being answered cause you to pray more? If that's not enough, what else would?

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